My Profit Wizard: Stores profits made from personal sales and adds up your total profit to display to the user. Users have the option to create, edit, view, or remove a profit event.
FBT: Facebook and Twitter read only android application. Users are allowed to Log in and out of both facebook and twitter respectively. Users were also allowed to view their news feed and refresh it.
Web Development:
My Free Website: -> The index/main page of my website which currently displays a slide show with pictures that correlate to my life and hobbies.
My Pixel Editor Maintenance Tool: This is the web application I had to create in my internship at j2 Global. The web application updated the company's tracking pixels’ file through Subversion’s Java (SVNKit) based on the user’s specific request such as to create, edit, or delete a tracking pixel. Purpose of this project was to prevent the creation of broken pixels.